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Author Alliance
Welcome To Author Alliance
Welcome! (2:00)
3 Level's of Connection To Grow With Us! (6:01)
Best Seller Mindset (7:29)
What's Coming Next (4:35)
Week 1 - Intent and Outline
Welcome To Week 1
Concept and Outline (8:33)
Intent and Outline Live Training Example (29:13)
Week 2 - Record Your Genius
Welcome To Week 2 - Record Your Genius (1:10)
Record Your Genius (31:31)
Week 3 - Edit and Follow Up
Welcome To Week 3 - Edit and Follow Up (0:48)
Editing (13:51)
Outsource Training (4:02)
Week 4 - Review
Welcome To Week 4 - Review (1:35)
Review (32:09)
Week 5 - Submit To Study
Welcome To Week 5 - Submit To Study (1:04)
Submit To Study (8:17)
Week 6 - Format
Welcome To Week 6 - Format (1:18)
Formatting (11:23)
Week 7 - Publishing
Welcome To Week 7 - Publishing (1:28)
Createspace KDP (1:53)
CreateSpace KDP Training #2 (1:53)
Week 8 - Best Seller Launch
Welcome To Week 8 - Best Seller Launch (0:33)
Best Seller Launch (7:17)
Week 9 - Funnel Authority Overview
Welcome To Week 9 - Funnel Authority Overview (1:15)
ClickFunnels overview (5:02)
Best Selling Book Funnel (18:13)
Concept and Outline
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